Short Bio
Bernhard Lorenz Müller, born in Munich / Germany in 1963. Since 1988 freelance photo designer and art photographer. Lives and works in Salzburg / Austria.
Artist Statement
If you have to read long texts about art / pictures / objects in order to be drawn into the spell of the work, the art has not reached your meaning. The deep immersion in a work undoubtedly requires a detailed explanation in order to be able to understand the motives or conceptual approaches of the artist: but if the first impression cannot affect the viewer emotionally, the artistic work has lost a lot.
Art & Photography
How much sky does a person need?
Camera Obscura, 2001

Exhibition view (140×100 cm): © 2001 Bernhard L. Müller – How much sky do people need?
Serie: © 2001 (complete) Bernhard L. Müller – How much heaven does a person need?
The photographic work “How much sky do humans need?” Was created in 2001 as part of the art project “Untererstand”.
Heaven as a shelter – in a spiritual, physical and religious sense. Heaven as a question for an answer. There are shelters associated with a personal fate. The last human shelters and their very own views of a part of the sky were photographed at various cemeteries. The challenge was to meet personal fate in the form of his last shelter, to depict an excerpt from his life without over-drawing or technical influence. Twelve open graves with their opening to heaven, a box that can be lowered on strings as a camera obscura with a manual-magnetic shutter and exposure times that arose from an emotional-spontaneous experience, created surprising and mysterious images of an alien reality.
Title: How Much Heaven Do People Need? | Year: 2001 | Print: 140×100 cm | Ink: Epson Ultra Chrome K3 Pigment Ink | Paper: Hahnemühle Photo Rag Ultrasmooth, 305 g / m² | Framing: Museum framing aluminum black, (approx) 32×32 cm thickness: 20 mm, museum back box, acid-free | Glass: Clarity 92% / museum glass | Series: 12 single shots |
Edition A (Dimension: 140×100 cm): 1 (+1 AE)
Edition B:
JUSTMAD (X Edition) Emerging Art Fair
Palacio Neptuno, Madrid (ES)
07.12. – 28.12.2018
panoptikum.WERKSCHAU 2018
offspace | galerie panoptikum.
15.09. – 31.10.2017
panoptikum.WERKSCHAU 2017
offspace | galerie panoptikum.
Art & Photography
Poetry of destruction
Photography, 2015

Serie (one): © 2015 Bernhard L. Müller – Poesie der Zerstörung
Serie: © 2015 Bernhard L. Müller – Poesie der Zerstörung
Paper mutations in a series of works:
wrinkled – creased – compressed
A sheet of tissue paper measuring 60x80cm in various phases and states of structural destruction. 20-part series in 5 sections
Title: Poetry of Destruction | Year: 2015 | Print: 30 × 30 cm | Ink: Epson Ultra Chrome K3 Pigment Ink | Paper: Hahnemühle Photo Rag Ultrasmooth, 305 g / m² | Framing: Museum framing black Thickness: 30 mm, museum back box, acid-free | Glass: Clarity 92% / museum glass | Series: 20 singles in 5 sections
Edition A (P: 30×30 cm): 5 (+1 AE)
Edition B (P: 50×50 cm): 1 (+1 AE)
08.07. – 11.07.2021
JUSTMAD (XII Edition) Contemporary Art Fair
Palacio Neptuno, Madrid (ES)
07.12. – 28.12.2018
panoptikum.WERKSCHAU 2018
offspace | galerie panoptikum.
15.09. – 31.10.2017
panoptikum.WERKSCHAU 2017
offspace | galerie panoptikum.
Art & Photography
Photography, 2000

© 2000 Bernhard L. Müller – StillStandBeWegung
6 people in motion and standing still
6 tube cameras as camera obscura with 13 image openings
25 minutes exposure
6 photo papers 15 x 190 cm in the direct exposure process
Title: StillStandBeWegung | Year: 2000 | Print: 190 x 15 cm | Ink: Epson Ultra Chrome K3 Pigment Ink | Paper: Hahnemühle Photo Rag Ultrasmooth, 305 g / m² | Framing: Museum framing black, thickness: 30 mm, (approx) 190 × 15 cm, museum back box, acid-free | Glass: Clarity 92% / museum glass | Series: 6 photo papers
Edition A: 1
24.02. – 27.02.2022
JUSTMAD (13th Edition) Contemporary Art Fair
Palacio Neptuno, Madrid (ES)