Program & Exhibitions
In our changed worldview, the understanding of art about people has also changed
– or was it the other way around ?!
Palacio Neptuno
Emerging Contemporary Art Fair, Madrid (ES)
Bild: Booth offspace | galerie panoptikum. – JUSTMAD 2021, Palacio Neptuno, Madrid (ES)
We can finally start again! COVID-19 has as a game and
Art spoilers did a really good job. The whole art and culture sector was put into a kind of “hibernation” that made our lives poorer. This year 2021 it seems to be going uphill and we are happy to be there again this time and to do our part to satisfy the pent-up hunger for art.
Participating artists: Edin Mustafic (AUT), Bernhard L. Müller (AUT) & Yves G. Noir (BRD)
Palacio de Cibeles
Art Madrid 2020
Contemporary Art Fair, Madrid (ES)
Bild: Impressionen ART MADRID 2020, Palacio de Cibeles
After weeks of preparation, we managed to pack our works of art on time, deal with all the formalities and make our way to Madrid. ART WEEK with its top-class trade fairs such as ARCO, ART MADRID or JUSTMAD has established itself as a fixed point in our calendar. When we first took part in JUSTMAD (X-Edition) in 2019, we were enthusiastic about the city, the people and the many international galleries we came into contact with.
Participating artist: Edin Mustafic (Klagenfurt)
This year – 2020 – we took part in the extraordinary ART MADRID art fair. The “Palacio de Cibeles” location in the center of Madrid is one of the city’s landmarks. Since 2007 it has been the seat of the Madrid city administration. During ART WEEK, this wonderful place with its roofed glass dome, which leaves one to be amazed, will be transformed into a place of cultural and artistic encounters. We are very happy to have been a part of ART MADRID 2020.
Palacio Neptuno
Emerging Contemporary Art Fair, Madrid (ES)
Bild: Booth offspace | galerie panoptikum. – JUSTMAD X, Palacio Neptuno, Madrid (ES)
This is our first time. Our offspace gallery has managed to mingle with the many great contemporary galleries at JUSTMAD ART FAIR in Madrid (ES). We are very much looking forward to our first (international) art fair.
Participating artists: Edin Mustafic (Klagenfurt), Bernhard L. Müller (Salzburg) & Michael Bachhofer (Vienna)
offspace | galerie panoptikum.
Fotosalon 2019
Our photo salon takes place every first Friday of the month!
Every first Friday of the month we opened our gallery doors and showed ourselves from the “other” side – behind the scenes! Unprepared, authentic & real! The gallery and its infrastructure were freely accessible to all visitors, artists and people. The opening times were from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. A common “hanging out” under the sign of art with many great acquaintances, conversations and discussions!
Art & Education
Art makes school 2018
Project in cooperation with the municipality & VS Moosdorf, Upper Austria

Photo: ART makes school, Exhibition, Gilgenberg a.W. 2018
Municipality of Moosdorf: Mayor Manfred Emersberger
VS Moosdorf: Mrs. Director Wanitschka
Project management: Patricia Mustafic
Project team: Ms. Specht (teacher, 4th grade), Annette Cesari, Edin Mustafic (artist & gallery).
“Culture is the greatest economic paradox: it cannot be accounted for and pays long-term interest” (Prof. Dr. Friedrich Achleitner, Upper Austria).
We plunged into the transdisciplinary art, culture and education offensive “Art goes to school”! Together with the elementary school in Moosdorf, we started the “Art makes school” project. Based on the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, we wanted to jointly take up this transdisciplinary approach in education and perceive our role as art and culture mediator in society and take alternative paths in cultural and educational policy. We were supported by Mayor Manfred Emersberger, the business community of Moosdorf (Upper Austria), regional artists and committed art lovers. The project took place in winter 2018 with the children of the 4th grade elementary school Moosdorf.
The children immersed themselves in the world of photography and the arts. In doing so, they created unique works of art in the workshop. The results of these creative efforts were presented by the children themselves in their own photography exhibition here in our gallery.